Michaella's Mumblings

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Last blog: happy, this one: not so much

Well, its only been a couple of days since my last post and I've been extremely frustrated since! On a happy note, my boys won on Sunday 26-20 and they played OK...not the best but its early in the season. Sunday night I did a lot of homework which I desperately needed to do. And Mondy I spent in class or making up time. Practice got cancelled because it was raining and lightening. Although about 4:45, it stopped raining and the sun came out. So, it was free time which I really enjoyed.
I got really P-Oed at practice today. This weekend we play in Des Moines and the Heart plays in Oklahoma, and BOTH of our coaches are going to the Heart games. In my opinion, when you agree to be coach, the first order of priority is our own team, not the Heart. If there had been no conflict, then there would have been no problem. But as it is, we're short backs and Steph may not be able to play....so that would put us short 2 backs and I don't know how many extra forwards we're going to have. We had a few injuries this last weekend (all minor but people may require more time off) so our numbers are down anyway. Helen is going as our coach for the weekend which may prove to be interesting although that doesn't really upset me. The fact that the coaches don't trust me or Steph really bothers me....we're only useful when it conveniences them or the team. I've never wanted to quit, honestly, before but twice in the last week I've considered it. What does that mean? I'd rather hang out with my AXE friends than the rugby team with the exception of a couple of people. And I am hanging out with my AXE friends more...they're fun and nerdy too. So I fit right in! On a side note, we're ordering hoodies for rugby again....and I already have 2. I really like the design, but I don't really think I need another hoodie. Dilhema, dilhema.
Ok, well, I'm just rambling now...and I should probably do some homework so I can go out tomorrow and Thursday night!
32 days till Alumni!


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