Michaella's Mumblings

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Torino and Texas

I've been watching the olympics a lot lately. I really like the olympics. The summer Olympics are my favorite, but I like the winter games as well. As I've been spending a lot of time on the couch, I haven't been doing a lot of good studying. Therefore, I'm behind in my school work. I have a pretty big presentation on Thurs and an exam on Friday. I'm working on both, but this weekend would have been a good opportunity to catch up. Oh well, it'll just be a couple of busy days. We don't have class tomorrow, its University Planning Day, but surprisingly I'm very busy. I guess its better than spending the day in class. I'm going to help with a tie-dye for AXE with 19 second graders. It should be interesting, and I"m looking forward to it!

Tonight, we're having an Olympic party. Everyone has to have an event. I"m bobsledding with Deb, Kristin Harkins and Kim. We'll be using the couch as the sled....it should be entertaining. There'll be curling in the kitchen and figure skating. I'm kind of excited about it! I also have a party to go to with some chem people. Its a vodka party, so I'm not sure if I"m going to drink over there. But it should be fun none-the-less. Thanks Truman State for giving us a day off and a legitimate reason to drink during the week!

Also in happy news, I got into Texas A&M Grad School. I go down to Texas in March to see the school and the chem dept. I'm still not sure if I'm going to go to grad school, but if anything, it'll be a good trip to Texas! And maybe I'll get to see Liz! The weekend is the first weekend of spring break and I'm about 95% sure I"m going to come out to CO on Wed of my spring break until Sat or so. I'm excited about the way break is shaping up!

Rugby games start in 2 weekends! Yay for the beginning of games! We play in St. Louis the first weekend. It'll be good not to have to travel very far.

I guess this is all I have for right now. Have a great week all!


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