Michaella's Mumblings

Monday, October 31, 2005

I know, its been a long time coming

So, I guess I should start by saying that I'm sorry that its been a week and a half since I've posted.
My week has been less than rainbows and cherry-topped sundaes. I had that dang biochem paper due, and I turned it in today. Thank heavens it's done. Now all I have to do is wait for the score....ahhhh! I also had an inorganic take home test, although I didn't know it was take home until Wednesday. I stil haven't started it, but its not due for a couple more days. I'll get on it soon.
It seems like I wasn't supposed to sleep last week. I was so tired going into this weekend! But I didn't let that stop me from having a good time! I went to the CAKE concert on Friday on campus and then drove home. It was a long drive and I didn't get home until almost 2am. And I did a load of laundry before bed. I was exhausted! And then I got up in the middle of the night to change the laundry out and then got up a couple of hours later to drive to Lawrence for rugby. I had to take advantage of the free laundry situation :) Rugby was good, it was tough though. Those Jazz girls are good. I had a good time although I'm still sore today. After the game, I went to Jimmy John's with my dad and then I got a new cell phone! (same number, different phone) I was going to take a nap, but I had to see my dad's dogs, shower, finish laundry, and make myself presentable so I could go to dinner with my grandparents. Dinner was really nice but then I had to drive back up to Kville. I'm glad I did though. The rugby and lacrosse girls had a party adn I saw everyone wasted and dressed up. It was a lot of fun! And then I went out with some AXE friends...fun yet again! And then I played sober driver because I got into town way too late to drink. All-in-all it was a good couple of days. Sunday, after I woke up from 12 hours of sleep, was spent in the library working on my paper.

I guess I didn't feel the need to update last week since I'd seen you all recently. I realized sometime that weekend of Alumni that I had been looking forward to Alumni since August. I guess I'll have to look forward to Chirstmas now. Anyway, I want you all to know that I had an amazing weekend and thank you all for coming back. It made my semester :) If all of you who are a long ways away are going to be in the MO/IA area over Christmas break, we should all do something. I'd even drive to StL since it seems most of the people will be near there. Just a thought. I guess this is all for now! Have a happy Halloween, and a good rest of the week!!


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