Michaella's Mumblings

Sunday, October 02, 2005

I'm procrastinating

I just don't want to do homework. I did so much studying last week and I know I have so much to do this week but I'm still not motivated. I am working on my logic homework while watching the Chiefs game but other than that, I'm not feeling especially studious.

My mom came up for family day and stayed the night and we did a lot of hanging out and talking. It was a good time. And I got to go grocery shopping...yay for that! And she went to church with me, which was nice. She got to see me play int he games on Sat too. The first game agains UNI A-side was like a track meet. They were so athletic. They were really good, but the definitely favored the running game and didn't like to be tackled. They weren't necessarily bigger than us but they sprinted the whole time. There were only a few instances where we got to play rugby and were not chasing them. I forgot to mention that they wanted to play 40's so I ran an 80 minute track meet. I was a little tired. I did get a half off when we played the B-side but I played the second half. That team was more of our speed and I think we could have won hands down if half of our team hadn't just finished the track meet. We played well still but we didn't win that one either. I'm so sore today too. My legs are really tired and for some reason my right hip hurts pretty good. Not like bruised, but like hurts to walk. I'll have to see how I feel tomorrow. That's pretty much all that went on this weekend. Kristin H had people over last night. I was only over there for about a half of an hour but it seemed like a good time. There were lots of rookies out which was nice.

On the subject of rookies, we had rookie breakfast on Wednesday. It was a lot of fun. I love rookie breakafst! I had fun making the rookies in my car think they were going to run from Thousand Hills and breakfast was a lot of fun. There was a large group of people that came. I'm glad we got to do it before our first home game. I'm pretty sure that my rookie is going to stay around...and she's a twin, so I'm keeping the twin tradition alive. My sister and I are not twins, but I think everyone else is. And I have a twin, just not biologically.

This week at school has been absolutely crazy. I had an inorganic test and I probably put 20 hours of studying for it. I don't think I did horrible, but I don't think I did awesome. I have a take home part that I haven't started but its not due for another 3 days. I"m hoping to start it tomorrow. I also had a biochem quiz which I think I kicked butt on. But I have my first biochem test on Friday and I'm kinda starting to stress about that. I also have a biochem paper to start on and its totally confusing. I have no time!! Oh well, next semester I'll have so much time and I'll have fun!!

I've decided to go to grad school and I"m going to start applying to some soon. I'd like to get my masters' in Analytical Chemistry with some emphasis in biochemistry. I also want to get out of the midwest but all of the best analytical grad schools are in the midwest, so it looks like I may be staying close to here. My profs have said that I should be able to get in, hopefully get some or all of it paid for and hopefully a stipend to live on. That makes me happy! And eventually I want to work in the pharmaceutical industry doing drug analysis. There are several drug companies in the KC area and that's where I want to end up eventually. And the there's always going to be a need for medication so hopefully there's a future in it. These are my thoughts right now. Who knows how far off I am but we'll see soon enough! I'm going to go to K-State for a grad visit in 2 weeks and I'm going to apply to SLU because they have a good master's program. I'm also looking at Iowa State and a couple of schools in Illinois. There are a couple of schools in TX that are a possiblity and one in NC so I may have the opportunity to get out of the midwest for a couple of years.

Ok, I think this is all from Kville for today! I really have to get back to my homework and my Chiefs and then SUNDAY NIGHT TV!! I hope you all are well and I can't wait for alumni!


  • Wow, I didn't know you could get your master's paid for, but you science people have all kinds of money flowing - the science/engineering/physics types here all make at least $10 grand more than me for their stipends - I'm crazy jealous! And as much as I love the midwest (because I really do, especially Missouri!), I vote you do grad school in Texas!! See you soon!

    By Blogger Liz, at 8:06 PM  

  • I must say that I have to vote for Iowa State...it's not U of Iowa, but it's in a great state nonetheless!

    By Blogger Lindsay, at 8:09 PM  

  • yeah so everyone seems to rave about their state. I don't know that I'm a huge fan of Kansas but Lawrence is cool. I can't say much about K-state though.

    By Blogger Kate, at 9:07 PM  

  • Liz-
    As a chemist in grad school I can make up to like $30 grand as a stipend plus tuition waived. But I'm not one of those kids whose GPA is that great so I'll probably make somewhere in the teens as a stipend. That is if I get my act together and apply to grad school.

    By Blogger Michaella, at 4:58 PM  

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