Michaella's Mumblings

Friday, May 12, 2006

And undergrad is done!

So, as the title says, I'm done here! All I have to do is walk across that stage (hopefully out at Stokes Stadium). I'm so excited to get out of here. I'll miss the few people that I like that are staying, but to the rest of them, GOOD BYE!!! Until I come back for Alumni to kick their asses, of course.

I'm very excited to move on. Some of the dramatics this semester have put me over the top. The most notably being Kris having a fit over Di being stolen. She claims that Di was the only person there for her when her mom died..... DI IS A CHUNK OF PLASTIC!! This what I wanted to scream at her. Pranks were funny when she was pulling them but one gets done against her and it's no longer funny. OK, now that that's off of my chest...

My parents, grandparents, sisters, brother, aunts, uncles, etc are coming up this weekend. I'm kind of excited about that. We're doing a BBQ tonight at Steph's house with Kim, Laurie and me and our parents. I'm really looking forward to it. And I'm packing up my room and taking my stuff out of the house this weekend. And going back to PH. Not especially looking forward to that, but it'll be free and relaxing for the most part.

Planning a trip to College Station in a couple of weeks to apartment search, then Jamie's wedding, Cariss' dad's wedding, Hawaii, and camp all in a row. It'll be a busy but good 3 weeks. I can't wait to see you all sometime this summer! Until then, ciao!!!!


  • Twin,
    Your attitude in this cracked me up! The BBQ sounded like fun. I hope it was!

    By Blogger Jenny, at 9:32 AM  

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