Michaella's Mumblings

Friday, October 27, 2006

I joined a group

A research group that is. I am now officially part of a bioinorganic group. Scary, huh? The prof only took one first year (yep, me). So now there are two grad students in his lab. This is rather small but hopefully it will get larger soon. I haven't started any work....I have to pick a project. I have a temporary desk until we get our other office and then I get to move there. Soon I will be getting keys and cards and lots of other things. Yay for me!

I had a wonderful time at alumni! And I got to score a try! The entire weekend was amazing. Sunday was the most wonderful day I've had in a LOOOONG time. I went to the Chiefs game with my dad and Marj and we won....in a nailbiter at the end! And then we had dinner at my mom's and all of my siblings were there. I am very blessed with the best 3 siblings any one could have ever asked for. And my grandparents were there and we had a good time drinking wine and eating lasagna. I got to hang out with my mom a little and we got to talk lots on the drive to the airport (with a detour to a favorite donut and coffee place).

All in all, it was an amazing weekend and I can't wait to come home for Christmas! Although I did get more sick from playing rugby in the cold rain, spending Sat night in the cold and then standing in the cold for 4 hours at the Chiefs game. It was all worth it though. I'd do it again. Without question.


  • I'm glad you had a good time at home!
    And congrats on figuring out what research group to join - I bet that's a relief. Good luck with all of it!

    By Blogger Liz, at 9:14 AM  

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