Michaella's Mumblings

Sunday, November 26, 2006

me = grumpy

Thanksgiving was good. Now I'm back. see title to see my mood.

this week I have a 10 page paper due on Tuesday. And a test (that I thought the prof was going to cancel) on Thursday. a problem set due. a review session for my students. finals to give and grade. work to make up. and a dying grandpa. go me

Friday, November 10, 2006

funny fact

The boss of my lab and the other guy I work with are real gentlemen. They rush ahead of me to open doors. We'll be walking down the sidewalk toward the building and both of them make it a point to get ahead of me to open doors. Or they open the lab doors for me. Or any other door that me or the other girl that I work with come across.

This is just my observation of the day. I'm not offended by it or anything. I find it kind of cute. Too bad no one of our generation does that. I hope all of you have someone that opens the doors for you!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I decided yesterday that I'm going home for Thanksgiving.
Positives: Holidays with the family, free food!, CHIEFS GAME!!
Negatives: 12 hour drive both ways, the circumstances which made me decide to come home.

Around here, I've been studying for a biochem test all week. Let me tell you, I'm sick of the stuff. And I'm ready for break.

I started researching, aka sitting in my office since I'm not actually doing anything in the lab right now. Although I did get to plate my first crystals today. Should be interesting!! It was fun to be in the lab again. I like chemistry! I share an office with another grad student and I have my own desk (soon to be decorated with pictures). We have 3 labs right now and we're getting a 4th soon. And I will be getting keys shortly and a stock room card (free office supplies). I already have access to all of the building after hours. It's like they trust me!

I have to register my car on Friday. Good bye Missouri plates. Kinda sad.
That's all from here. Nothing exciting is really happening. Its the same thing week after week. I hope life is more exciting for you!